w o r d s......


Cold as ice
Circle of stones
Stand through millennia
On the windy plain

Hot as fire
Does the drumbeat
Of magic
Dance around them

Cold as ice
Proud mountain spires
Blinding white
Against turquoise skies

Hot as fire
Is the mountain’s core
Sending forth
A river of heat

Cold as ice
Forbidden forest
Ancient pines
Whisper through the wind

Hot as fire
Magical forest
Elves and fairies dance
Singing forth new growth

Cold as ice
Far northern reaches
Landscape of snow
Bone chilling cold

Hot as fire
Vibrant color schemes
A rainbow chasm
Across the sky

Cold as ice
Eyes piercing through
Seeing all
Seeing nothing

Hot as fire
Running wild and free
And magic deep
Snowfire on stars


© 2006 Julie Yamamoto, All rights reserved.